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October 22, 2024

Why Do AI

Artificial Intelligence Insights and News

Artificial Intelligence: Neither Monster Nor Myth – A Balanced Rebuttal

3 min read

The digital realm has always been a fertile ground for myths, misconceptions, and metaphors. Dr. Rami Gabriel’s recent exploration into the ‘monstrous’ nature of Artificial Intelligence paints a vivid, albeit misinformed, portrait of this technological marvel. While the original article’s imagery of AI as a vampire, shapeshifter, or even a zombie makes for captivating prose, it’s crucial to dissect these assertions and present a more balanced, factual perspective. As we delve into this response, we’ll explore the reasons why personifying AI as a creature of horror may be a dramatic oversimplification and why it’s essential to view it with a lens of understanding rather than fear.

Debunking “AI Monsters”

To begin, the author’s attempt to depict AI as some sort of horror-film monster isn’t just fanciful—it’s a gross misrepresentation that betrays a profound lack of understanding of the technology. Let’s dive into the inaccuracies, one by one:

The Fear of AI:
The notion that we’re marching towards unknown territory is flawed. Historically, every technological advancement has been met with trepidation. Electricity, the telephone, the internet—all were initially feared. As with these previous innovations, what we need is a nuanced understanding and responsible development, not unfounded fear.

AI as a Vampire:
The dramatized imagery of AI as a vampire “sucking our thoughts” is plainly absurd. AI does not have feelings, intentions, or consciousness. It simply processes data, just as a calculator processes numbers. Also, the comparison between AI’s data collection and vampire consumption overlooks the voluntary nature of our online sharing.

AI as a Shapeshifter:
The assertion that AI “takes on the forms of the objects it eats” is misleading. Machine learning models do indeed mimic patterns in the data, but they don’t “consume” information in a predatory way. Furthermore, to say men are “rendered obsolete by machines” is a biased outlook. Automation has always existed. We adapt, evolve, and find new roles in changed landscapes.

AI as a Zombie:
The most profound misunderstanding here is the personification of AI. AI doesn’t have a will, consciousness, or intent—it’s a tool. Zombies, on the other hand, are mythical creatures with implied intentions. This comparison is not just apples to oranges, it’s apples to unicorns.

The Olympic Games of Meta:
The notion that AI makes our lives both harder and easier is an oversimplification. AI, like any tool, depends on how it’s used. A hammer can build a house or cause injury; the tool itself is neutral.

In conclusion, this piece seems less a thoughtful critique of artificial intelligence and more a dystopian fantasy. As with any technology, AI has its pros and cons, but painting it as a malicious, sentient force is not only misinformed but does a disservice to readers seeking to understand its implications genuinely. If we’re to have a productive conversation about AI’s role in our world, it should be grounded in fact, not fiction.

Gabriel, R. (2023, August 18). What Kind of Monster Is Artificial Intelligence? Psychology Today.